Aaannnnd … I blinked and summer is over.
How did that happen?!?
Yep, my youngest is off to school tomorrow and my oldest has already started packing for her move to college in a few weeks.
And as my sweet Lulu figures out what she’ll wear tomorrow, my mind is tripping back to my own school days.
No hot school lunches for us—instead, I’d tote my PB&J to school in my super groovy Partridge Family lunch box.
[Hey, I was a cool kid—what can I say?!?]

But my PB&J wasn’t any ordinary sandwich.
We never had those perfect slices of squishy Wonder bread. Instead, we had thick (and sometimes uneven!) slices of Mama’s homemade wheat bread—she even ground the wheat just like the Little Red Hen!
Even to this day, there’s nothing like creamy peanut butter paired with sweet jam. Add a cold glass of milk and it’s one of the scrummiest meals I can imagine!

That perfect combo is my inspo for this PB&J bon bon. To make it, I grind peanuts (guess I have a bit of the Little Red Hen in me, too!) until they give way to creamy peanut butter. And then I make raspberry jelly from sweet and brightly tart raspberries. And, because I’m a chocolatier—not a sandwich maker—I skip the bread and simply douse that goodness in milk chocolate.
To all those kids and teachers, have a grand first day back at school!

PB&J bon bon
Handmade creamy peanut butter paired with homemade raspberry jelly.